Atlanta LifestyleDekalb County, Georgia real estateLife, Liberty and the Pursuit of HappinessThe Georgia EconomyThe Market November 6, 2024

Presidents are temporary. Oak Grove is forever.

Suddenly, a roadside sign catches my eye. I turn around and I park my car. I get my camera. I’m on LaVista Road in Dekalb County, Georgia, in my neighborhood, a lovely residential enclave called Oak Grove.

All things considered, it is evident that one particularly intrepid LaVista Road neighbor knows that the almighty power of Wu-Tang is forever.

Earlier today – 330am exactly – I realized that yesterday, November 6th 2024 was my 11th Presidential election vote – that’s right, I voted in 1984 in my first presidential election. Moreover, I have not missed voting for every 4 years since 1984.

And so it goes, after 40 years of voting, I can state that this Oak Grove neighbor’s “campaign” sign is more valid and distinguished than any other sign that has been posted recently in favor of some candidate for election. Signs are everywhere. Signs break up the scenery, right?

By the way, the Dekalb County Sign ordinance is not to be F’ed with. We care about litter in our scenery!

Rest assured, Wu-Tang is not at risk – Wu-Tang resides on private property.

Certainly, this sign is a reminder that in the real estate business, CREAM is truth – Cash Rules Everything Around Me.

Presidents are temporary.

Wu-Tang is forever.

We do indeed know exactly what time it is in Oak Grove.